Millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and eBooks. Click on TU LINK within a record to explore full text options.
Central repository for genetic, genomic, molecular and cellular phenotype data and clinical information about people who have participated in pharmacogenomics research studies.
TOXNET and most of NLM's toxicology information services, as part of the broader NLM reorganization, have been integrated into other NLM products and services. The TOXNET page is currently home to links for NLM's toxicology information in those NLM services.
POPLINE was a valuable resource to the population, family planning, and reproductive health community for over 40 years (1973-2019). Site now home to links for alternative access to journal articles that collectively meet the majority of POPLINE user requests.
Model Open Access portal to full-text journals and books published in most countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Portugal and Spain.
Provides online, campus-wide access to all ASTM standards as well as manuals, monographs, data series, selected technical papers, and journals, including back issues going back 30-40 years. NOTE: to get the best browsing experience on the ASTM Compass site, please use the latest browsers available for Firefox, Edge, Chrome and Safari.
Covers a range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
The Patent Public Search tool is a new web-based patent search application that will replace internal legacy search tools PubEast and PubWest and external legacy search tools PatFT and AppFT. Patent Public Search has two user selectable modern interfaces that provide enhanced access to prior art. The new, powerful, and flexible capabilities of the application will improve the overall patent searching process.
The display of each patent's full-text includes a link to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent. Information from Certificates of Correction and Reexaminations is not included in the full-text database per se, but can be found as pages attached to the full-page images of the original patent. Patents from 1790 to December 1975 offer only the patent number and the current US patent classification in the text display, and can be searched only by those fields. However, this limited text display also includes a hyperlink to obtain full-page images of each page of the patent.
Search of all the content in the NTIS database published since 1990, including government-sponsored scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information.
bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. rticles are not peer-reviewed, edited, or typeset before being posted online. However, all articles undergo a basic screening process for offensive and/or non-scientific content.
USDA-authored and other highly relevant agricultural research. Access 340,000+ peer-reviewed agriculturally-related scientific literature, mostly from 2002 to 2012, each entry offering a citation, abstract and a link to the article if available from the publisher.From the National Agricultural Library (NAL).
A gateway to authoritative, selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results. Brings together reliable resources selected by the respective agencies as important science information.
Easy access options are provided through a search feature, a deep Web search feature for more detailed information, and a browse feature. is the official for Science Cross-Agency Portal.
SCOAP3 converts key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access. Here you can freely search, browse and of course download all Open Access articles sponsored by the international SCOAP3 initiative.
Next-generation High Energy Physics (HEP) information system. Run by a collaboration of CERN, DESY, Fermilab, IHEP, and SLAC, and interacts closely with HEP publishers,, NASA-ADS, PDG, HEPDATA and other information resources.
SciTech Connect (formerly The Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge) is a portal to free, publicly-available Department of Energy sponsored R&D results related to science, technology, and engineering research information including technical reports, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information.
fka The Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge