Most academic databases allow you to set up RSS feeds for individual journals or searches (keywords, etc.). These allow you to keep current of new publications in your field without having to regularly repeat multiple searches.
JournalTOC is a free service that collects feeds from over 19,000 academic journals, and can provide you with new tables of contents whenever a new issue is published. Browse by subject area, journal title, or combine multiple journal titles into a single feed!
Here are examples of frequently cited journals in history. Set up personalized feeds to these or other journals using the free JournalTOC service, publishers' websites, or through our subscription databases. Keep in mind that books are still the most important means of publishing for historians, and it's worth searching the catalog for books similar to found journal articles or by the same author.
Inclusion in this very brief listing is based on subjective review of the rankings by impact factor as calculated by Journal Citation Reports for 2012, and journals classified as International 1 (INT1) on the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) 2011 listings in history.
Also look for reviews of the latest books. Most history journals include a section dedicated to reviewing the latest books by historians. You can also use the Book Review Plus database to locate additional book reviews.
Belonging to a professional organization, attending conferences, and following newsletters, blogs, and other media are excellent ways to keep abreast of innovations in the field and new issues important to practicing historians.