Selection emphasis includes materials supporting course content in the areas of generalist practice; clinical practice; social work policy; social work practice; research and research methods; work with families, groups and communities; work in organizational environments; cross-cultural issues; human development; case analysis; crisis intervention; clinical practice with children, adolescents, adults and the elderly; conflict resolution and mediation; death and dying; domestic violence; human sexuality; chemical dependence; HIV disease; gerontological social work; disability; mental illness treatment and prevention; and community development. In addition, selection of materials is also guided by faculty research interests in areas including social work education; health services provision; family caregiving of the disabled; services to minority populations; international social work education; information technology in social work education and practice; international migration and work with refugee populations; social support for the chronically and terminally ill; ethical issues involved in the relationship between families and public social service agencies; connections between social work research and resulting policies/practice; social work history; religion and American culture; parent-infant relationships; infant mental health; impact of violence on children; family and couples therapy; child abuse and incest; gay and lesbian issues; aging and homelessness; disaster social services; volunteerism; geographical analysis of social service systems; cross-cultural/international social work; elderly caregivers; women's health and mental health; domestic violence; social justice and populations at risk; racism; relationships between African-American women and their daughters; and parenting syles. Also, because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, many of the materials collected to support social work research and teaching are utilized regularly by several other disciplines, including (but not limited to) Sociology; Psychology; Public Health; Women's Studies.