Call number | Floor |
A - BF | 5 |
BH - DA | 4 |
DB - LT | 3 |
M - NX | 6 |
P - PF | 3 |
PG - QD | 2 |
QE - Z | 1 |
Latin American Library (all letters) |
4 |
The first letters in call numbers are associated with subject areas.
Letter | Subject area |
A | General Works |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion |
C | Auxiliary Sciences of History |
D | General and Old World History |
E | History of America |
F | History of the United States and British, Dutch, French, and Latin America |
G | Geography, Anthropology, and Recreation |
H | Social Sciences |
J | Political Science |
K | Law |
L | Education |
M | Music |
N | Fine Arts |
P | Language and Literature |
Q | Science |
R | Medicine |
S | Agriculture |
T | Technology |
U | Military Science |
V | Naval Science |
Z | Bibliography, Library Science, and General Information Resources |
In comparison to articles, books offer more thorough coverage of a topic, draw on a wider range of preexisting scholarship, and often excel in placing an argument in broader thematic and disciplinary context. Consider consulting scholarly books first in your own research. Use them to provide:
Administrative Law | Environmental Policy | Intercultural Communication | Public Administration -- United States |
Affirmative Action Programs | Environmental Protection | International Organization | Public Contracts |
Benchmarking (Management) | Environmental Risk Assessment | International Relations | Public Lands |
Civil Service | Finance, Public | Knowledge Management | Public- Private Sector Cooperation |
Collective Bargaining | Forest Policy | Medical Policy | Social Sciences -- Research-- Methodology |
Common Good | Globalization | Natural Resources -- Government Policy | Strategic Planning |
Communication in Organizations | Health Services Administration | Non-governmental Organizations | Sustainable Development |
Conflict Resolution | Housing Policy | Nonprofit Organizations | Urban Ecology |
Crisis Management | Human Services | Operations Research | Urban Transportation Policy |
Disaster Relief | Industrial Management | Organizational Change | |
Emergency Management | Industrial Organization | Organizational Learning | |
Energy Policy | Industrial Productivity | Personnel Management |