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Turchin Library: Student Services

This guide provides an orientation to Turchin Library's services for students

Tulane University Library Online Catalog

Library catalog - search for books and more in Tulane libraries.

TIP: Be sure to check the LOCATION to see which library the book is stored (ex. Howard-Tilton, Business, Matas, etc. as these libraries are in different buildings).

Tutorials: Basic search, advanced search | More tutorials

Where is the book in the Howard-Tilton library?

Look at the call number and use the Call Number Floor Guide.

EBSCO eBooks

 Search Ebsco eBooks or access to over 40,000 titles in all subject areas.

EBSCO Ebooks provides a collection of electronic versions of current scholarly and academic press books, as well as trade books for academic libraries.  The Howard-Tilton Memorial Library’s EBSCO Ebook collection is shared with other libraries in a consortium called Lyrasis.  This group purchase arrangement allows us to offer students and faculty access to more than 57,000 Ebooks, covering a broad range of disciplines.  The EBSCO Ebooks are also linked individually in the library catalog. 

Google Books

Manage My Library Account


Log in to your library account to view items currently checked out, and to renew items


When you are searching the Online Catalog and find that an item is already checked-out, you have options for getting it.  After locating the item in the catalog, click on the title and then select Make a Request.

Recall:  An item must be checked-out for a minimum of 2 weeks before it can be recalled.  When you recall an item, the customer who has the item is notified by email that the item has been recalled and must be returned within 10 days.  If you have an item that has been recalled, please note that you will be charged $1.00 per day and your library privileges will be suspended until the item is returned.  Recall fines accrue to a maximum of $20.00.

Hold:  Holds are appropriate for items that are due soon or overdue, or when you can wait longer than 2 weeks.  Placing a hold prevents other customers from checking the item out or renewing their loan.

NOTE:  If a title in the Online Catalog is not checked-out, you must go to the library indicated in the Online Catalog, locate the item on the shelf, and check it out.  The Turchin Library is an independent library on-campus similar to the Law Library and is not currently part of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library courier service.

Further information on Recalls and Holds.

Get a book from another Tulane Library:
If you are on the Uptown Campus and the item is available at the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library or other Uptown Campus Library, please go to that library and check out the item using your Splash ID.

If the item is available from the MATAS Library, you may place a request to send it to the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library for pickup.

1. Locate the item in the Online Catalog
2. Click on 'Make a Request'
3. Login to your account with your Splash ID and last name
4. Choose 'Get a book from another Tulane Library'
5. Choose 'Pickup at Howard Tilton Circ Desk'
6. Enter your Splash ID to confirm the request and click 'Submit'

Please return Turchin Library materials to the Turchin Library Service Desk. Contact the business librarian for further information on your account at or 504-865-5376.

Please return Howard-Tilton Memorial Library materials to the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Service desk or to the book returns outside of the Howard Tilton Memorial Library.  Please contact Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Circulation to discuss fines/fees for HTML materials at 504-865-5689.


Can't find the full-text of an article or book chapter at Tulane University?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
If Tulane University doesn't have access to the article or a book chapter you need, you may be able to get it through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan services are generously provided by the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.

Pickup and return materials to the 1st Floor of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library at the Circulation Desk during the hours the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Circulation Desk is open. Phone:
Interlibrary Loan:
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Circulation Desk: (504) 865-5689

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.